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Staff Health and Safety Forum

The responsibilities arising from operating schools and other educational settings mean that health and safety issues assume supreme importance for Consortium Trust.

The Trust recognises its responsibility to the health and safety of its staff, pupils and visitors.  Furthermore, the Trust gives employees information, instruction and training, and engages in consultation with them about matters affecting their health and safety.

Each member of staff has a responsibility to report any conditions or working practices considered to be unsafe or unhealthy. Staff must also report any injury, incident or dangerous occurrence on school premises or during an offsite school activity. 

The Trust has also established a Health and Safety Forum as a way of improving the health and safety culture throughout the Trust and to contribute to the fulfilment of its obligation to consult on such issues with its employees.The Forum meets termly and comprises representatives from settings across the Trust. For further information see the contact details below.

health & safety enquiries

For further information regarding Health and Safety within the Trust please contact: Robin Chew, Head of Service: Facilities and Compliance by email at:, or by telephone on: 01473 355452.