Barnby North Cove Primary School is recruiting!
Vacancy for EYFS Level 3 Teaching Assistant and a Midday Supervisory Assistant at Barnby & North Cove Primary School.
We require an experienced, dedicated, friendly and professional Teaching Assistant who can work effectively across the primary phase in our wonderful school. Experience of supporting children with special educational needs, challenging behaviours and disability is essential. This post may have some 1:1 responsibility each week and may involve support for other schools within our Partnership.
We are also looking for a dedicated and friendly person to join our wonderful staff team at Barnby & North Cove as a Midday Supervisory Assistant. We are looking for someone who has experience of organising and managing lunchtimes at school and understands the importance of lunchtimes as an integral part of our school day.
If you are interested in either role please click here for more details.