Estates Team
The Trust’s Estates Team has been busy throughout the summer on a number of projects designed to improve the learning environment at our schools.
The historic brickwork at the front of Mendham Primary School has been sympathetically restored by a local contractor to strengthen the front wall and repoint the front elevation.
Work has continued at Henley, Barnby & North Cove to upgrade the heating systems to be more reliable and efficient and to reduce the Trust’s overall contribution to carbon dioxide emissions. Improvements have also been made to Barnby & North Cove’s fire detection and alarm system.
Helmingham has a splendid new wooden cabin at the top of the playing field that will be a resource for the school’s commitment to outdoor learning. Meanwhile, the school’s old school house is undergoing renovation to create modern office space.
Winterton has benefited from redecoration of the pupils’ toilets, while at St Edmund’s two rooms have been repurposed to provide a quiet room for pupils and a new staff room.
A substantial scheme of works is underway at Warren. Improvements have already been made to fire safety systems and several classrooms have been completely refurbished.
Preparations have been made for the winter. The drains at Yoxford & Peasenhall have been excavated to improve the run-off of storm water. The boilers at Winterton and Helmingham have both had new parts to improve their reliability.
The Team will continue to tackle the challenges of our various buildings within tight budgetary restraints.